Last night,
I saw him crying.
I wanted to console him,
but how? I didn’t know.
I haven’t done it.
And how will I tell him it’s okay when I know it’s not?
So I went and stood by his side.
I just sat there and let him cry,
crying out his heart. I just heard.
I just patted his head. I didn’t tell him to stop.
I let him cry as much as he wanted.
I have noticed that just being there is enough.
It’s what I want.
It’s what every person wants.
When you’re crying, you don’t want someone to come and tell you to stop.
You just want to cry and not feel alone.
While you’re crying, it feels right, as if you’re getting this heavy weight off your heart.
But when you’re done, you feel empty—
empty inside and want someone by your side.
Crying is okay, but crying alone is sad.
And for me, I don’t want him to feel that way.
I would stay here and let him feel my presence.
Once he’s done, I would wipe his tears and help him calm down.
Maybe someday, he’ll open up to me,
telling me about his worries. Until then, I can wait.
I can just stay here and look after him...